
Become an Active Volunteer at Lotus House!

If you have questions about this or other volunteer opportunities, please call 786.866.8680.

When: October 11, 2017 to September 30, 2018
Contact: Isabella Dell'Oca
Summary: As the new year begins, we are hoping some of you will renew your commitment to Lotus House and become frequent volunteers.
This is a recurring event, 40 of 53, occuring weekly. (first occurence)

Event Details


As the new year begins, we are hoping some of you will renew your commitment to Lotus House and become frequent volunteers. Because Lotus Village is under construction, now more than ever, we need to provide programming and activities so our guests can continue to heal and enrich their lives while living at Lotus House.

Here is how you can help:

Have a special talent or hobby? Come and teach it once a month! This can include anything from dance, origami, sewing, crochet, love for Pinterest and DIY projects, or meditation. The possibilities are endless!

Love kids? We need weekly, one hour commitments for our Kid Groups!
We hold our Kids Groups Wednesday through Friday evenings from 7-8pm., as well as Wednesdays & Thursdays from 5-6pm. While the parent is in therapeutic group sessions, the children are engaged in productive yet fun activities for that hour. We will provide an activity, snacks and supplies for the children to enjoy. We’d also love to hear any ideas you have for the kids to do! This mixed age group of children vary from 2-10 children between the ages of 3 -12 years old on any given day. This requires a background check— we can help set everything up!

Come and entertain our adults! Help us host weekly game and movie nights!

Want to volunteer with your work place, church group, club, etc?
Sponsor a special meal or fun day! Bring pizza, BBQ, carnival games, face paint, hire an entertainer, anything you can think of!

Want to sponsor a field trip? We love going to shows, plays, games, parks, you name it, we are there!
Anything else you can think of? Let us know!! We highly rely on people like YOU for ideas!

Help us make this year the best one yet at the Lotus House!

Click here to review our Volunteer Guidelines and Agreement: https://docs.google.com/a/lotushouse.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeu2_sg4qWgzrpUDIj5reUCvHss4SBnVm-iUS_55Uo0TyyweA/viewform?c=0&w=1

Follow us on www.facebook.com/LotusHouseShleter and @lotushouse1 for daily updates and more volunteer opportunities!


Lotus House

Become an Active Volunteer at Lotus House!